Doula Services

Email me at to discuss my  role on your birth team! I offer a FREE 1 hour consultation and interview.

The Works Birth Doula Package 
When you choose me to be your Doula, I will:

● meet with you for two prenatal sessions at 32 and 36 weeks, or as possible
learn your preferences and the ways to best support you
● help you develop YOUR preferences for birth 
● practice effective positions and relaxation techniques with you and your partner
provide a range of comfort tools, including the use of an Obstetrical TENS* unit and birth pool, as applicable
● provide email and phone support for your questions leading up to your birth and in the weeks following
● offer free use of my ever-growing lending library of books, cds, dvds, etc
● be on call 24/7 for your birth  from week 38-42 of your pregnancy.  Attendance past 42 weeks is possible.
● have contact with you during the birth and join you quickly after you decide you are ready for support.
provide continuous support until your baby is born and has nursed if breastfeeding.
● provide techniques for physical comfort, emotional support, and information to assist you in decision-making during the birth process
assist your partner and any other support people, offering suggestions, information, support, and reassurance
● Support you while using your voice to advocate for your needs
● remain with you for at least one to two hours postpartum
● take photographs of your labor and birth for you if you so choose and as possible
● come for a follow up postpartum visit within a week after birth to discuss it, answer questions, or offer referrals

As your Doula, I will NOT

Provide any kind of medical care, diagnosis or treatment.
Perform internal exams, monitor blood pressure and fetal heart tones.
Speak FOR you to care providers. I remind, encourage, and support you or your partner in speaking for yourself.

Take responsibility for birthing choices or birthing outcomes. Your birth choices are yours--I support you and your right to choose whatever options are best for you and your baby.

Doula 911 Package 
Have you considered a doula, but either didn't take the plunge? Are you in the middle of your birth now, and wishing you had a doula with you?  If  you are in need of emergency doula support, you may call me at local area code 321-2580 at any time. 

The Details: If I am able to come to you, I will. Because of contractual obligation with clients who previously hired me, if a non-Doula 911 doula client begins her birth, I have to go support her--but I would do my best to obtain a backup for you. If I attend your birth through through delivery, the rate above applies. If I left to support a previously-hired client,  a pro-rated portion of the fee is discounted. A contract must be signed upon arriving at your birth place and the fee must be paid in full at that time.  Any pro-rating happens in the form of a refund. 

Prenatal Consultation Package- 
Some women desire some prenatal support and assistance in developing their birth preferences, but, for whatever reason, are not comfortable with  having a doula support their birth. In this case, I offer a consultation package. I will:

Meet with you for 1-2 consultation sessions for an average of 3-4 hours.

Help you create your birthing and newborn preferences and share ways to communicate them effectively 

● Practice techniques, positions, and skills that can keep you more comfortable during birth 
Provide unbiased and evidence-based information

If you have special circumstances that make finances an obstacle, please contact me. I am always willing to create payment plans to make services possible.  Scholarship applications are available. Because EVERY mother benefits from a doula.
I offer special rates for deployed military families, women using Medicaid, and teen mothers.

* Use of Obstetrical TENS at birth place requires care provider's written permission and signing of disclosure and release form.